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Six Penny Memories Guest Blog

Kim & Debbie are back once again to keep us up to date on all of their adventures in their regular guest blog!

We can't believe that on the last Sunday of May we are up to the penultimate pattern in Florries Sampler Quilt! Last month we tackled the blocks featuring Needle Turned Appliqué and Bears Paw.  The extra project was a lovely little pot holder using one block of the Bears Paw. To top things off, Our Sewing at the Manor book proved really popular and a lovely pack of half metres from the Mill Shirtings Collection were also on the show!

We have some extra shows in May, on the 2nd we brought a Free Motion Sewing Pack and the rotating 12 inch board which is in inches, Happy Days! Also, on Friday 13th we are looking forward to sunnier days with a pack of fabric called 'Vacation' and some useful bag accessories... oh! And an LED night in a choice of colours.

Florries Sampler Quilt Pattern 5 has the wow factor with a foundation pieced Spinning Block and a Flying a Geese Block,  to compliment this there are some Sewing and Haberdashery fabrics and Sewing related Patterns, and make sure you watch out for the bonus items too!

Until the next time x

Catch Kim and Debbie in action on Hochanda on Friday 13th at 11AM, 1PM and 5PM!
Watch Hochanda live online, on Freeview channel 39, Sky channel 663 or Freesat 817.
