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Showing posts from January, 2017

Peterborough Re-use create exclusive product designed just for Hochanda craft viewers.

Peterborough Re-use, “British Renewable Energy Awards Finalist” have crafted an amazing idea of coffee bags from around the world. These kits will be exclusively designed and sold to Hochanda viewers only. Ranged from just £9.99, each kit is unique due to the cut of the fabric, the inner material, ribbon used for handles, decoration and strength so viewers will definitely be spoiled for choice. Be the first to take a look here! A bag from literally around the world Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica- to name a few- are some of the countries the coffee bags have come from. The bags each hold up to 65kg of coffee beans so they are extremely strong. Created to help eradicate our throwaway society ethos and to get the community involved in the project, Peterborough Re-use has held a series of workshops in the local area. These being sewing and fresh home-working opportunities. The initiative has given local people the opportunity to learn new skills and created fres...